
  • V.R. Nizamutdinov South Ural State University
  • I.A. Moiseev South Ural State University
  • I.A. Berseneva South Ural State University
  • A.V. Kurmangulov South Ural State University
  • К.В. Осинцев South Ural State University



photovoltaic panel, neural network algorithms, heat flux, radiation


This article highlights the importance of planning the power consumption of industrial enterprises and presents the possibility of using photovoltaic panels with an optimization model based on predictive control methods. It is shown that there is a problem in the use of renewable and traditional energy sources in Russia, in particular the Chelyabinsk region. The article considers the possibility of using photovoltaic panels at LLC “ChelyabinskSpecGrajdanStroi” to cover short-term imbalances and for the complete decentralization of the enterprise network. It provides calculations of the heat flux of a solar panel with two glass panels at a given ambient temperature and the atmospheric transmittance calculated according to the traditional method and the results of computer modeling in the ANSYS software package. The influence of the average daily ambient temperature on the value of the solar cell heat flux for one month of 2021 is analyzed. The use of neural network algorithms, which allow a reduction in the energy consumption through predictive regulation and the identification of an algorithm of energy consumption are also touched upon. The features of Hebba and Oya's training are described. Based on calculations and computer modeling, conclusions were made about the degree of influence of ambient temperature on the amount of heat flow. Directions for further research on this topic are described.


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Author Biographies

V.R. Nizamutdinov, South Ural State University

 Student, Department of Industrial Thermal Power Engineering

I.A. Moiseev, South Ural State University

Student, Department of Industrial Thermal Power Engineering

I.A. Berseneva, South Ural State University

Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Ass. Prof., Department of Industrial Thermal Power Engineering

A.V. Kurmangulov, South Ural State University

Student, Department of Industrial Thermal Power Engineering

К.В. Осинцев, South Ural State University

 Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Ass. Prof., Head of the Department of Industrial Thermal Power Engineering


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How to Cite

Nizamutdinov, V., Moiseev, I., Berseneva, I., Kurmangulov, A. and Осинцев, К. 2023. THE POSSIBILITIES OF USING RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES FOR THE INDEPENDENT ENERGY SUPPLY OF THE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE “CHELYABINSKSPECGRAJDANSTROI”. Bulletin of the South Ural State University series "Power Engineering". 23, 1 (Apr. 2023), 89–98. DOI:

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