
  • E.V. Toropov Scientific and Production Company UralTermoComplex, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
  • L.E. Lymbina South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation



digital model, furnace, approximations, polynomials, emissivity, absorption, wall pipings


The normative method (NM) of thermal boiler calculation, which has been confirmed and refined multiple
times, contains the structure of ideas and methods retained and adapted during the transition to digital technologies. As applied to the analysis of thermal processes in the boiler furnace with flare furnaces, this required
the transformation of a large array of initial and reference data, which cannot be used unchanged in digital technologies, including computer-assisted. This applies to graphical and tabular data, which occupy up to 80% of
the NM volume. The main regulatory elements of the digital model in this case are the temperature of adiabatic
combustion of the fuel, the coefficient of attenuation of radiation by the combustion medium, the degree of
emissivity of the furnace taking into account the size of the radiating layer, the coefficient of thermal efficiency
of the furnace wall pipings, the resulting Boltzmann number and the final calculated value of the gas temperature at the exit from the furnace. The use of specific data for a boiler with D = 400 t/h made it possible to clarify
the structure of analytical dependencies, as well as the magnitude of deviations from the standard values in
the final temperature values. The paper presents a developed transition to dependencies accounting for the thermal power of the boiler and the type of fuel. The digital model adaptation to the boiler conditions with all types
of fuel in use made it possible to determine the average deviations of the final parameters. Quantitatively,
the entire material corresponds to the normative data, is presented digitally and corresponds methodically to
the Mathcad-15 package. In contrast to acclaimed works in this area, all factors affecting the heat balance are
represented by approximations taking into account temperature variability.


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How to Cite

Toropov, E. and Lymbina, L. 2021. DIGITAL MODEL OF BOILER FURNACE PROCESSES. Bulletin of the South Ural State University series "Power Engineering". 21, 2 (Jun. 2021), 26–32. DOI:

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