
  • G.M. Tutaev National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia
  • E.S. Bezborodov National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia



adjustable electric drive, double inverter-fed induction motor, energy-efficient control, decision theory, local criteria, compromise scheme


The problems of implementing energy-efficient control of an electric drive according to the scheme of a doubly fed motor with two frequency converters in the stator and rotor from the standpoint of decision theory are considered. The presence of two converters allows for the implementation of a large number of energy-efficient algorithms, even with significant changes in speeds and loads on the shaft. Compliance with the temperature conditions of its elements in all operating modes is also important for the electric drive. The PWM strategy and the energy-efficient control algorithm defined by the developer have a mutual effect both on the temperature of the power switches of frequency converter inverters, phase windings of the motor and its elements, and on losses in these parts of the drive. The designated problem of designing an electric drive with double inverter-fed induction motor can be attributed to the class of multi-criteria deterministic static problems of decision theory. The article presents a generalized formulation of the problem of finding the best solution and identifies the main problems of this procedure, which have a conceptual nature – the need to normalize local criteria, determining the area of compromise, choosing a compromise scheme and the corresponding principle of optimality, taking into account the priority of criteria.


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Author Biographies

G.M. Tutaev, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia




E.S. Bezborodov, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia





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How to Cite

Tutaev, G. and Bezborodov, E. 2024. THE THEORY OF DECISION-MAKING IN PROBLEMS OF ENERGY-EFFICIENT ELECTRIC DRIVE CONTROL WITH A DOUBLE INVERTER-FED INDUCTION MOTOR. Bulletin of the South Ural State University series "Power Engineering". 24, 1 (Jan. 2024), 51–58. DOI: