
  • S.G. Voronin South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
  • N.V. Klinachev South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
  • N.Yu. Kuleva South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
  • A.D. Chernyshev South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia



synchronous motor with permanent magnets, thyratron motor, discrete switching, phase vector control, mechanical characteristic, electromagnetic efficiency, commutation angle


The article considers the possibility of implementing phase vector control (FVU) of a synchronous motor with permanent magnets in the thyratron motor mode. The characteristics of the FVU with three methods of discrete commutation of the three-phase winding are considered: six-stroke 120- and 180-degree and twelve-stroke 150-degree. A comparative assessment of the efficiency of the PVF is carried out in terms of expanding the range of implemented mechanical coordinates and energy indicators, both with different methods of discrete switching and with respect to sinusoidal power supply. It is shown that 120-degree switching is the most advantageous in terms of energy indicators. However, with it, the values of the maximum achievable speeds and moments weakly depend on the angle of commutation θ, therefore, operation is recommended at a constant θ = 0, corresponding to the efficiency value close to the maxi­mum in a wide range of speeds. With 180-degree commutation, the FVU allows you to adjust both the maximum speed and the maximum torque. However, with small values of the relative inductance of the winding, which refers to the ratio of inductive resistance to active, this method of regulation is ineffective due to low efficiency and is inferior in this indicator to both 120-degree commutation and the case of sinusoidal power supply. As the relative inductance increases, the difference between the case of sinusoidal power supply and 180-degree switching decreases. The use of 150-degree commutation allows, on the one hand, to increase efficiency while maintaining the ability to adjust coordinates, on the other hand, reduces the pulsation of the motor torque, expanding the possible scope of the drive.




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How to Cite

Voronin, S., Klinachev, N., Kuleva, N. and Chernyshev, A. 2022. VECTOR CONTROL OF AN ELECTRIC DRIVE BASED ON A THYRATRON MOTOR WITH DISCRETE WINDING COMMUTATION. Bulletin of the South Ural State University series "Power Engineering". 22, 4 (Dec. 2022), 42–52. DOI: